"Il Consorzio non ha scopo di lucro e si prefigge la promozione e la valorizzazione della vitivinicoltura biologica/biodinamica marchigiana, la difesa del territorio e dei beni comuni, la diffusione di culture e pratiche per una economia sostenibile e solidale"
(art.4 Statuto Consorzio terroirMarche)
"The Consortium is a non-profit association that aims to promote and enhance organic/biodynamic winegrowing in the Marche region, to safeguard the territory and resources for the common good, to disseminate the culture and practices of a sustainable and fair economy"
(art.4, terroirMarche Consortium Statute).
(art.4 Statuto Consorzio terroirMarche)
"The Consortium is a non-profit association that aims to promote and enhance organic/biodynamic winegrowing in the Marche region, to safeguard the territory and resources for the common good, to disseminate the culture and practices of a sustainable and fair economy"
(art.4, terroirMarche Consortium Statute).